Anagrassia is working on new christening gowns for girls and boys, which will be released over the next couple of months. Today, we feature the boys Irish christening gown. It's a very lovely hand embroidered linen outfit with green shamrock designs. The outfit is intended for boys, but little girls wear it as well.
Boys Embroidered Christening Gown
Shop gown here: Irish Baptismal Gown
This is a hand-embroidered Irish white linen boy's baptismal gown for baby.
Because of the hand embroidery, the turnaround time for this outfit is about around 3-6 weeks.
100% White Linen
Cotton Thread and Neck Tassels
Hidden Snaps Down Front
Back White Satin Buttons
White Inserted Lace
White 100% Silk Lining
Hand Embroidery
(Navy, Kelly Green, Gold and White Threads)

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